Title: Breaking Records: Germany's Wind Energy Boom
To drive Germany's energy transition, a substantial boost in solar and wind energy production is crucial. The wind energy sector, in particular, has made impressive strides: Germany has broken its own record, approving more onshore wind facilities in a year than ever before.
Last year saw the green light for approximately 2400 facilities, boasting a combined capacity of approximately 14 gigawatts (GW), as reported by the German Wind Energy Association and VDMA Power Systems association. This represents an impressive 85% surge compared to the preceding year.
The process of moving from approval to construction and grid connection for a wind turbine usually takes more than two years. Despite the time lag, Dennis Rendschmidt, CEO of VDMA Power Systems, expressed his optimism. He stated, "The course has been set," and emphasized the need for the expansion of wind energy to continue under the new federal government. This not only ensures a reliable energy supply but also reduces electricity costs and fosters employment opportunities.
Operational Wind Energy Facilities
Last year saw the commencement of operations for 635 wind energy facilities with a combined capacity of 3.25 GW. Although this was a 9% decline from the previous year, the total installed capacity reached around 63.5 GW. When considering the decommissioning of older wind turbines, the net addition to wind energy capacity stood at around 2.5 GW.
The wind energy associations anticipate an increment of 4.8 to 5.3 GW for the current year, 2025. In 2024 alone, onshore wind turbines generated around 112 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, making them the primary energy source for electricity generation in Germany, accounting for over a quarter of the total share.
The energy transition in Germany requires a significant increase in solar and wind energy production, with wind energy leading the way. Following the record-breaking approvals, Dennis Rendschmidt, CEO of VDMA Power Systems, remains optimistic about the continuation of wind energy expansion under the new federal government, emphasizing its role in ensuring a reliable energy supply, reducing electricity costs, and fostering employment opportunities.